The project has a considerable impact and lasting effect on the creation and operation of European Work Councils. In the framework of the project were organised three transnational conferences, with the participation of policy makers, trade unions representatives and EWC representatives from three countries and employers' representatives. It contributes to the raising of awareness on the recast Directive 2009/38/EC, on the transposition into national legislations, on the impact of the recast directive on the creation of new EWC as well as on existing EWC and of the future perspectives.
There was a major impact on the representatives that participated in the project activities and as a result to their trade unions as well as to the representatives that were reached in the dissemination campaign.
To this end, the measures were:
- Organisation of three transnational conferences in Athens, Sofia and Sinaia with the participation of representatives from several EU countries. The representatives will transfer knowledge and know-how to their trade unions.
- Development of a multilingual web-site (in Greek and English languages) that will facilitate transfer of good practices.
- Dissemination of the project results through mail, post and publication of articles to a large number of recipients in the countries involved.
- Main results will be submitted to SDA and ETUC.
In all dissemination the contribution of EC/DG of employment was mentioned.